It was followed by Nimmadhi Ungal Choice, produced by AVM Productions and directed by Shri Sp. Suzhal, directed by his father the late Shri Anand Mohan and written by him, launched him into the limelight. Throughout the 2000s, he became an established television and live event host. Nagabharana.Īdhiraj made his acting debut starring in television serials, before featuring in films including Ponnu Veetukkaran and Roja Kootam.
Narasimha Rao and directed by the Kannada T. He was introduced in the NFDC & Doordarshan produced Sahashraphan in Hindi, written by then Prime Minister of India Shri. Vijay Adhiraj is an Indian actor who has appeared in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, and Kannada films and serials.